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+603 – 7880 5109
Refractory Materials


We are one of the oldest and most established refractory contractors, specializing in refractory work in Malaysia.  As a leader in the field of industrial services, we offer a wide range of design and installation of refractory linings for various large industrial assets requiring heat, chemical or abrasion-resistant linings.

We provide a comprehensive portfolio of refractory engineering services and develop refractory linings to meet any operational specification. Our modular approach to working allows customers to tailor our services to suit their requirements and benefit from seamless start-to-finish solutions.

“Our quality control, quality assurance and health and safety are fundamental to our continued success and long-standing reputation. Most importantly, we understand that durability, reliability and functionality are essential factors in meeting our clients’ expectations.”

Corporate Social Responsibility

We are committed to comply with all environmental legislation, industry standards and contract requirements while ensuring a safe work place across all of our business activities.

We recognize sustainable development as a high priority and are committed to developing solutions which includes the training of our employees in “best practice” procedures to seek improvements in our work place practices as well as the implementation and the monitoring of control systems on our work sites.

Employees are highly encouraged to actively participate in all sustainable development procedures and practices to ensure our operational planning gives due consideration to both the environment and wider communities.

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